Knee Deep in Dough – How the Bread Guy Fed Me With God’s Love

Knee Deep in Dough – How the Bread Guy Fed Me With God’s Love

An accurate description of a local bakery is “knee deep in dough.” One of the managers in the bakery, that bread guy (my name for him) offers a smile and greets everyone with an authenticity which is rare to see.

Mouth-watering aromas of their assortment of daily fresh baked breads float through the air. Although I have no idea of how many loaves of bread or specialty items are sold there six days a week, I do know the store is rich in more ways than just with dough.

Every week I purchase a loaf or two of whole wheat bread at the bakery. Each time I am there, that bread guy is smiling and full of life. Although I already know the answer for the secret of happiness, I realize I often neglect accepting life’s abundant blessings due to the busy-ness of life.

With each visit to the bakery, that bread guy shared a truth with me from God’s word or told me about a movie, a book, or an event which had helped him on his journey.

Last week waiting my turn in line to purchase bread, I noticed a poem on the wall which had always been displayed. The poem caught my attention only when I paused to wait. I hope these words of wisdom from an unknown author will encourage you to pause and think.

“Be gentle when you touch bread;

let it not lie uncared for, taken for granted, or unwanted.

There is such beauty in bread.

Beauty of sun and soil and beauty of patient toil.

Winds and rains caressed it.

Christ often blessed it.

Be gentle when you touch bread.”

Forty-eight simple words describe appreciation for bread. Have you thought about the sunshine, rain and work required to prepare bread?

Bread was blessed was Christ. This author encourages us to be gentle with bread and to appreciate its beauty and the work required for creating bread. This type of appreciation is something which can only be done in a gentle moment, when we pause.